At this time, there is no way for residents to reset their access code directly. That being said, if you ever need your access code updated, your property management team can quickly get your reset for you.

When Should I Ask for a New Access Code?

Your gate code is intended to be unique to you, so any access events attempted using your unique code will be associated with you directly. Therefore, you should always have your code reset if you’ve given your code out to someone or if you feel someone has been using your code without your knowledge. In short, if you know, or even suspect, someone else is using your unique access codes, contact your property manager immediately to have it reset.

Note: GateHawk does not allow you to set custom, personalized access codes. Requests to reset your code should be limited to the reasons listed above.   

How Do I View My Unique Access Code?

With all the information we deal with daily, it’s impossible to remember everything. If you’ve forgotten your access code and need to refresh your memory, simply log into the GateHawk Mobile App to find your access code on the home page.